List of all Hokage of Hidden Leaf Village

Hokage are the leaders of Hidden Leaf Village and are considered the strongest shinobi in the village all of the hokage are listed below:

1. Hashirama Senju

Leader of the Senju clan, creator of Hidden Leaf Village and rival of Madara Uchiha formed alliance with Uchiha clan and fulfilled his dream of creating a peaceful village, and was chosen as the First Hokage by the council. Jealous from his achievement Madara turned against him and took control of the nine tailed fox but Hashirama defeated him! Madara and Hashirama also captured all the nine tailed beasts and distributed them among all the five great nations.

2. Tobirama Senju

Brother of the first Hokage, Tobirama was a strick ruler who hated Uchiha clan because of the wars between Uchiha clan and Senju clan before Leaf Village was formed. He created many ninjitsu, his work in development of ninjitsu are worth mentioning, he created Multi-Shadow Clone Jitsu, Resurrection Jitsu, Flying Rigen e.t.c. He was considered the fastest shinobi in the world! 

3. Hiruzen Saratobi

Hiruzen was junin leader of the three legendary Sanin, and was leading Leaf village in the 3rd Great ninja war! He was the one who started making peace with the Hidden Sand Village that led to a great alliance of these villages! He was the one who saved the Leaf Village when Sand Village and Village hidden in the Sound invaded by performing "Creeper Death Jitsu" that led to his death.

4. Minato Namekaze

Known as "Yellow Flash of the Leaf", he was the hero who saved Leaf Village from the Nine Tailed Fox and a Masked Man Believed to be Madara, and died saving it by sealing Nine Tailed Fox into his newborn son: Naruto! He was the fastest ninja of his time who was a main part of the third great ninja war. He was the junin leader of sixth hokage Kakashi and the all time enemy in the fourth great ninja war: Obito Uchiha!

5. Tsunade Senju

She was the granddaughter of first hokage, and was the best known medical ninja in the world! Her brother and friend died the 3rd ninja war, they both dreamed of becoming the hokage and Tsunade continued there dream by becoming the fifth hokage! She was one of the three legendary Sanin. She was chosen to become hokage by the village elders after the death of 3rd Hokage!

6. Danzo Shimura

Danzo was founder of the Anbu second root diversion and was involved in destruction of Uchiha clan, after the Uchiha clan was destroyed he took all the sharingans he could and tranplanted them into his body! He was favored by the villages' elders so they refered him as the sixth hokage, but as his secret was disclosed at the five kage summit, the title was taken away from him. Sasuke killed him as he was involved in destruction of his clan! 

6. Kakashi Hatake

Kakashi was student of Minato, a former Anbu and Junin Leader of Naruto, Sasuke & Sakura the next three legendary Sanin! He was famed as "Kakashi of the sharingan" & "The copying Ninja". He got the shaingan after the tragic death (asumed) of his partner Obito Uchiha, the sharingan was transplanted in his left eye. But during the war Madara took this eye.

7. Naruto Uzamaki

Naruto was the son of fourth hokage and was rejected by the people of his village for his whole life, so aimed from his childhood to become hokage and achieve the people's respect. He was the janjuriki of Nine Tailed Fox and was the strongest shinobi in the war and he was the hero who saved his village during the "Pain Invation" and was also the main character who stopped the war and bring peace to the world!

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