Justice League

Justice League 52 (2011)  Cover
Related: Top 10 Justice League Members

Justice League or Justice League of America (JLA) is an American Superhero team by DC Comics, and also one of the most famous superhero teams all over the world. Their aim is to keep the world save and make it a better place to live. They first appeared in Brave and the Bolt # 28 (March 1960). Justice League is a renovation of a previous superhero team: Justice Society of America. Justice League was formed by Superman alongside Wonder Woman. Today the Justice League(New 52 or DC Rebirth) includes: Aquaman, Cyborg, Flash (Barry Allen), Batman, Superman, Green Lantern (Hal Jordan, Jessica Cruz & Simon Baz), Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Atom(Rhonda Pineda & Ryan Choi), Element Woman, Firestorm, Shazam, Lex Luthor, Captain Cold, Killer Frost, Lobo, Black Canary (Laurel Lance), The Ray, Vixen and Mera with their headquarters in outer space.


Original Members


Real Name: Clark Kent/Kal-EL

Kal-EL born on planet Krypton, before being rocketed to planet Earth by his scientist father Jor-EL moments before Planet Krypton's destruction. Discovered and raised by a farm couple as Clark Kent. He grew up and became a spuerhero who saved the world from many threats, including aliens, planet conquers and his arch nemesis Lex Luthor. His powers are: Superhuman strength,speed, durability, longevity, flight, thermal vision, X-ray Vision & Freezing Breathe.


Real Name: Bruce Wayne

With Parents dead when he was a kid, Bruce, CEO of Wayne Enterprises and one of the richest man in the world, trained by his own villain Ra's al Ghul, he is a martial artist who saves the city at night as Batman. He was raised by his butler Alfred, who is his best companion. Batman uses his skills to save his city Gotham. Bruce Wayne uses tchnology provided by Mr. Fox such as Batmobile, Batwing e.t.c to patrol the city at night alongside his sidekicks such as Robin, Batgirl e.t.c.

Wonder Woman

Real Name: Princess Diana

Daughter of Zeus, Princess of Amazons, raised by her mother Hyppolyta and trained by her aunts, fought in World War II she developed an extraordinary skills in tactics, hunting and combat. She possesses an arsenal of advanced technology such as Lasso of Truth, apair of indestructible bracelets, a tiara which serves as pojectile and a range of devices based on Amazon technology. She joined Justice League to Eliminate all the threats in the world and to live in a peaceful world!

Martian Manhunter

Real Name: J'onn J'onzz/John Jones

Born on Planet Mars, J'onn became a Manhunter (Police Officer). His planet was destroyed by his brother, and he was accidentally bought to Planet Earth by Dr. Erdel. He saved Earth for many years, became a permanent member of Justice League and fought alongside  justice league to eliminate all threats from Earth. He made his priority to save Earth as he was not able to save Mars.

Green Lantern

Real Name: Hal Jordan

Hal Jordan was a pilot in US Air Force. A spaceship of a green lantern (Abin Sur) crashed on Earth, he was near death so he gave his ring to Hal, his ring, powered from his Will became his ticket to being a superhero. He is the guardian of universe, who saved his universe from its biggest threat: Parallax. Hal Jordan is considered as the strongest Green Lantern!

The Flash

Real Name: Barry Allen

Barry Allen was a CSI in CCPD (Central City Police Department) who's mother was murdered, when he was 4,his father was blamed for it and sent to prison for rest of his life. Barry made it his mission to prove that his father was innocent. He joined police to prove that, in his lab at CCPD he was struck by lightening by the Particle Accelerator explosion at S.T.A.R. Labs. He woke up after a 9 month comma and discovered that he have super speed powers. He used his powers to save Central City many times, and was able to prove his father's innocence.


Real Name: Arthur Curry

His father's was a famous undersea explorer, his mother died when he was very little. He became an undersea explorer too, he found the lost city of Atlantis while exploring the sea, studied there that how to use oxygen in the water to breathe how to talk to sea creatures, he used atlantian knowledge to live under the sea in the city of Atlantis.Until he descovered that he was son of a lighthouse keeper Tom Curry, who was an atlanna and that his mother was the queen of lost city of Atlantis! His water breathing abilities were inherited from his father and mother. He became the king of Atlantis and ruled the kingdom, helped Justice League in their adventures and missions to keep the planet safe.

Other Members


Green Arrow

Black Canary

Atom (Ray Palmer)




Phantom Stranger

Red Tornado



Firestorm (Jason Rusch)

Firestorm (Ronnie Raymond)



Blue Beetle (Tedd Kord)



Doctor Fate (Kent Nelson)

Doctor Fate (Linda Strauss)

Green Lantern (Guy Gardner)

Doctor Light

Booster Gold

Captain Atom

The Flash (Jay Garrick)

The Flash (Wally West)

Jesse Quick

Dark Flash (Walter West)

Plastic Man

Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner)


Blue Jay

Green Lantern (John Stewart)

Black Lightening

Red Arrow




Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes)

Adam Strange

Batgirl (Barbara Gordan)

Swamp Thing

Lex Luthor

Captain Cold

Killer Frost




Mon-El/Lar Gand



Animal Man



Atom (Rayan Choi)






Green Lantern (Jessica Cruz)

John Constantine

Mera of Xebel

Green Lantern (Simon Baz)


Major Disaster

Green Lantern (Kai-Ro)

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