E.T., Was That You?

In 1977 scientists were performing research for SETI project at Ohio State University's Perkins Observatory in Delaware by Jerry R. Ehman, bearing the expected non-terrestrial and non-solar system origin. A signal came from north-west corner of Globular Cluster of M55 in the constellation of Sagittarius. The signal lasted 72 seconds and has never been detected again.
100 Trillion Times Earth's Water!

Meet AMP 08279+5255, a broad absorption line quasar in the Lynx constellation, 12 billion light years from Earth. This quasar is the wettest object in known Universe. It has more than 100 trillion times the amount of water as all of water found on Earth. Get ready for some huge numbers! Can you imagine the amount of water on Earth. Imagine a cubic mile of water, that's 1 mile wide by 1 mile deep. Another way to imagine a cubic mile of water is 1,101,117,147,429 gallons. OK, now you have to imagine all the water on Earth, that's roughly 332,504,661 cubic miles of water of 336,126,583,827,024,200,000 gallons of water. AMP 08279+5255 has 3,325,046,000,000 cubic miles of water or 36,612,658,382,702,429,000,000,000,000,000,000 gallons.
How Rocket Scientists Does It Takes...
Sally Ride |
White Rocket scientists are so smart they typically know the answer even before the question is done being asked, they have their deficiencies. When Sally Ride became the first American in space in 1983, on STS-7 mission, NASA administrators had to make some minor adjustments to accommodate a woman on Space Shuttle. When NASA administrators were packing Sally Ride's necessities, they asked her if 100 tampons would be enough for 6 days, 2 hours, 23 minutes, and 59 seconds mission? Sally replied "That would not be enough".
Too Hot, To Cold, Just Right!

Scientists and astronomers have recently found stars in outer space that humans could actually touch with their bare hands! How COOL is that? NASA confirmed they have fount at least 14 "brown dwarf" stars which are the coolest stars in known Universe. Brown dwarfs are referred as "failed stars", they do not fuse atoms at their core like other stars do. As an example, our Solar System's star, the Sun, performs nuclear fusion and it roughly 10,000 degrees (F) on its surface and 27,000,000 degree (F) in its core.
When in Sagittarius B2...

Get Crunked on Sagittarius B2! In the distant (or near) future, you might find yourself tryin to decide to visit the giant molecular cloud of Sagittarius B2, near the center of Milky Way, you will want to bring your Crunk cup. You will find un imaginable amounts of alcohol on Sagittarius B2, including; ethanol, vinyl alcohol and methanol.
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